Monday, September 3, 2012

AU vs Clemson

My how things change when you have a two and half year old and a newborn.  From starting the day with Game Day and ending with the AU/Clemson game, things just weren't like they had been in the past.  I have a feeling having a 2 1/2 year old has a lot to do with it but throwing a newborn in the mix doesn't really help things.

Here's how things have changed...the 2 year old running back and forth between her playroom and the den pushing her dump truck at only one speed - fast!


Paige is doing great trying to play with Grace and sharing the toys

Jumping with Daddy 
Brad started to get frustrated with a play and was jumping around.  Next thing you know Paige was in the den jumping so they jumped together.

Paige really got into the family pictures.  Probably like most kids she loved looking at them each time after we took one.

In true dramatic Paige fashion she was sad that Auburn had lost!


  1. Game watching is so different than it was just a few years ago!! But still so fun. Such cute pictures. Love the family one. Grace is beautiful. Can't wait to meet her!

  2. Paige is too cute! love her pigtails! Grace is precious! Can't wait to see more pictures of that sweet baby girl. Great family photo, too! Congratulations.
