Tuesday, June 22, 2010

4 months!

Paige, you are 4 months old!!

*You started school this month at Christ the King. The first day was really hard on me but you loved it. There was no crying when we gave you to Ms. Angela as we left. I truly believe school is a good thing for you because you love to look around and experience new things. The other kids keep you entertained and keep you from napping because you don’t want to miss what they are doing. Your teachers are so sweet; Ms. Melissa, Ms. Heather and Ms. Anna take good care of you, along with Ms. Jude when you get your “Ms. Jude time”. You also got your first runny nose. You were a trooper and wouldn’t have even known you were sick (no fever, no fussiness, still ate and slept great). Momma and Daddy got it the cold too, I guess that is just par for the course, but no one missed a day of work or school (yay!).

*You weight 13 lbs 13 oz (60th percentile) and are 24 inches long (45th percentile). You are in 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. You now eat 5 times a day, around 36 oz. You definitely had a growth spurt this month and we joke that you about ate us out of house and home. You also tried rice cereal for the first time. We don’t do it every day, but when we do, you seem to enjoy it.  You still do not have much hair but it is slowly coming in and looks like a peach fuzz.  We can't tell what color it will be; it is a lot lighter than we thought and I am not sure if that is because there isn't much there if it really is going to be a light brown or maybe even red.

*You are just so happy. The only reason you cry is when you are hungry or tired. Your smile lights up a room and I love to hear your sweet giggle.  When we go out everyone tells us how beautiful you are and how they love your smile (of course I completely agree!).  You love to play and explore; your favorite toys are your monkey and duck. You also enjoy time in your jumperoo. You also love to watch TV. I don’t know if this is a good thing or not but it makes eating dinner a little easier. Tummy time is becoming more enjoyable for you. In fact, you started to rolling over (I am actually not sure if this is an indicator that you don’t like tummy time because you want to get off your tummy – ha!).

* You love your daddy. You get your special time with him every morning after I go to work. You and he have your special “tricks” where he is teaching you to stand up on your own. You and I have our special time together before Daddy gets home from work. Your start grinning ear to ear when you see him and hear his voice; it is just so sweet. You also love Ellie and Madi. They love giving you kisses and you sit back and let them.

Thank you for being the sweet baby you are, we love you!

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