Thursday, August 11, 2011

18 months!!!

Paige, I can't believe you are 18 months old!

The past 3 months have flown by so quickly and I really feel that you have grown so much in such a short amount of time.  I don't know quite what it is, maybe moving up to your new class or maybe you are just growing up!

You love to talk and sing.  Just the other day we were on the road and you talked the entire way from our house to the outlets in Foley.  Not all of it made sense and not much of it was sentences, but you were happy as a lark jabbering to yourself in the backseat (momma, dada, bo bo, tay tay, ellie, madi, you get the picture, any word she knew she was saying them over and over again).  You are starting to repeat different words we say.  For instance, I was getting the stroller out, said something about the stroller and next thing I knew you were talking about the stroller. 

I think 2 of your favorite phrases are, "move, please" and "beep beep".  If someone or something is in your way you don't mind at all asking them to "move, please", Ellie and Madi included (which is just too funny to watch).  The "beep beep" comes from me and it really means the same thing as "move, please".  You and I both use it when we are coming through and instead of saying "excuse me" we say "beep beep".  Now, when I say "excuse me" you respond with "beep beep".

You love your sweet little friends at school.  Daddy and I feel sorry for the teacher as there are 4 girls in your class right now and no boys.  We joke that the 4 of you will end up being roommates at Auburn when the time comes.  I think it is so sweet that you come home talking about the kids in your class.  I have also seen you interact with them and you can see you thoroughly enjoy them and they love you too.

You LOVE school and transistioned to the toddler room with such ease.  During this time your teachers changed from Ms. Ashley to Ms. Charmaine.  I think you handled it better than me!  There is now a sense of excitement, most days, when I pick you up.  Before, you would wave and be like, "cool, my mom is here, but I am going to keep playing".  Now, you come running and greet me with the biggest hug and squeeze.  I don't even have to bribe you with treats for hug (something I considered after I saw other moms doing it).  In your new class you do all sorts of art which I absolutely love.  I think I have figured out a way to display your master pieces once I get some fishing line - can't wait! 

You eating habits have changed a little bit over the past couple of months.  You went from eating a lot of anything and everything to being a little more picky and not eating as much.  I think the amount you eat really has to do with your growth pattern, not really anything else.  We are getting used to the slight pickiness, but it really isn't that bad.  Fruit is your absolute favorite.  If you have chicken nuggets and fruit on your plate you chose fruit hands down and even want more.  Bananas are your favorite, you even know where we keep them and ask for them by name (well, you say nana instead of banana, but we know what you mean).  You wouldn't believe the number of teeth that have come in over the past 3 months; I think you were cutting 4 at one time.

We are 98% paci free!!!!  We only have one paci and we only use it, if we use it at all, during naps on the weekends.  Yes, you have your momma and daddy wrapped and we give in on the weekends if we need to.  Otherwise we have been paci free since May!!!  It is a great feeling to not have to worry about where it is and if it is clean.  Letting go of it was a lot easier than I thought it would be.  We just tried it one night when we were putting you down and you fell asleep within 2 minutes and stayed asleep all night.  You never used it much at school except for naps and after we got rid of it at night they took care of things on their end.  Since getting rid of the paci, you have taking a liking to your stuffed animals when you sleep.  Sometimes you even sleep on top of your Violet dog.

2 of your favorite things to do over the summer were reading and swimming.  You love to read through books and just soak it all in.  We have a bookcase in your play room and the books rarely stay on the shelf.  I know that as long as I have a book handy you will be happy.  Another fun thing you have started doing is learning to find things in books.  While Nana and Papa Joe were here you learned where to find the apple in the fairytale book.  Now when we ask you to find the apply you find the fairytale book and methodically look for the apple until you find it.  At the beginning of the summer you didn't know what to think about this swimming thing.  In fact, you didn't like it all.  Then we went to the beach and that all changed.  You now love the water and love asking to "swimmie".  We just finished lessons today (more on that in another blog post) and you made great progress!  I think you enjoyed your time with Ms. Debbie and we established good pool rules that should help keep you safe.

Dancing - oh my goodness do you like to dance!!!  It could be one of the songs off of a cartoon or in the car - you like to move!  The Fairytale Ball was right up your alley.  I am hoping you can teach me a few of your dance moves!

I can't believe you are 18 months old today, Paige!  Tomorrow you will be closer to 2 than you are 1!!  We love you so much and love watching you grow and learn!

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