Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Moving On Up

I feel like there hasn't been too much happening around our house other than sickness and this past weekend didn't disappoint.  Poor Paige woke up Friday with a 103 fever.  Our poor baby spent most of the morning sleeping and lounging around (lots of snuggles and couch time!), but luckily after eating a late lunch she was up moving around.  She still had a slight fever Saturday so we stayed all day.  Finally, Sunday arrived fever free.  We went to church and I don't know who enjoyed it the most.  Sunday night we had our end of the year cookout out for small group.  But, I was too busy visiting or chasing Paige around to take any pictures.

Enjoying some fresh air after being couped up.  Please excuse the outfit, she refused to change tops so the PJ top worked for the backyard.

I have been thinking about what in the world I could write about for the blog since there has been absolutely nothing going on.  All I could come up with were the few things I left out of Paige's 15 month post.  The girl has turned into a "Fresh Beat Band" fanatic.  The "Fresh Beat Band" is a show that comes on NickJr; it isn't even a cartoon.  It is a group of 4 kids/teens that are in a band and they do stuff and sing.  Paige LOVES the music.  I have been trying so hard to get a video of her dancing but it just hasn't happend.  I was able to catch her mesmerized by their singing and dancing.

Let's see - other exciting stuff...I forgot some of the words Paige is saying.  One of my favorites is Sarah.  Yes, Sarah, how random is that?  Are there any Sarah's in her class at school?  No.  Do we have any Sarah's in our family?  No.  The only connection I can make is that there is teacher at her school who is Sarah and Paige loves her (but Paige loves everyone at school).  Another one is bubble.  It is too cute how she will look at the bubbles in the tube and just say "bubble, bubble".

Also, Paige has kind of moved up to the next class at school.  They have been working on transistioning her for awhile now, but it hasn't been as much as I originally thought.  Well, yesterday when both classes were coming in from outside Paige decided she would just join the big kid class.  They tried to get her back in her class and she wouldn't have any part of it.  The move was scheduled for next week but I guess one week won't hurt her!  She is so ready to be with all of her old friends, Gray, Lucy and Beau.  Funny story about Beau.  Paige's new teacher, Ashley, told me that they were sitting next to each other at the table today and Paige said, "No, No, Beau Beau".  Gotta love Miss Bossy Pants.  Do you think she hears no alot? 

One more Paige funny from school, just to show that the girl's got sass.  Today she walks into school, marches to the room, almost plows another boy down to take his seat at the breakfast table to get to his leftover waffle.  The girl was on a mission and nothing was going to get in her way!

1 comment:

  1. What is with the name Sara? Kate says it too. Her SS is Sara so I guess that is where it is from! Too funny. Give Miss P some hugs from me!
