Monday, September 27, 2010


**I got to work this morning and realized I didn't give this post a title.  I can't think of anything good so I am going with a titleless post.

As usual, our weekend passed way too quickly!  Friday night Brad and I got to enjoy a date night while Nana and Papa Joe watched Paige for us.  While we love our sweet baby girl, it was nice to have dinner without worrying about keeping her entertained or occupied.  I think Brad may tell you that the highlight of the evening was going to the grocery store.  Yes, as part of our date I asked that we go on to the grocery store for the week.  I figured it would help us out to go ahead and have it done because we have a busy week ahead, plus we would still get to spend time together (the purpose of a date).

Saturday we ventured up to Auburn and we had a great time as usual.  We went by the bookstore and got lots of cute stuff; I love the bookstore!!  We always end up spending way more than we need to while we are there.  After the bookstore, we met up with Justin, Christina and Boz (a friend of their's).  Paige and I did not go to the game; I think I am over the late kickoffs.  I would like to think that Paige and I would go if kickoff was earlier in the day but then you get into the whole heat factor.  What do you think?

Sunday I had to go to work.  In an attempt to make up for it a little, I sat in the backseat with Paige.  We had a great time playing together.  She has now started playing peek-a-boo on her own - too cute!

Now on for the super busy work week!!  This is the week I am reminded of how great Brad is - as if I didn't already know this!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you this week!! I know it will be rough but it will soon be over (until this time next year)! You are super mom!!
